Summer Intern Diaries: The 5 Best Things about Interning at Houlon Berman

When I sat down to write my first blog for Houlon Berman, I spoke of my post-teen crisis.  Like many other people my age, I knew college wasn’t going to last forever and I would soon be faced with many important decisions about what I wanted to do with my life.  One of my goals at the beginning of the summer was to go into law school in 2015 knowing exactly what I wanted to do.   I’ve learned this summer that there are so many different things you can do with a law degree and it is important to be open to learning about new things and different areas of the law. While I may not have my life mapped out perfectly, I am able to take the lessons I have learned this summer from great attorneys and use them going into law school and the real world.

For this week’s blog I wanted to go with a theme of reflection.  It is important that you reflect on every experience in life so that it stays with you and the best way I could think of reflecting was to make a list.  If you have been on the website Buzzfeed lately, you know lists are all the rage.  There are seriously lists for everything including, “33 Dogs Winning at Everything” (I did not make this up).  My list however will be titled “The 5 Best Things about Interning at Houlon Berman.”

The Field Trips– I have mentioned this in previous blogs but I have loved my out of office adventures.  Going to court with different attorneys has not only taught me more about various types of law, it has also given me an opportunity to see great attorneys in action.  Besides getting to witness various fascinating trials, I have gained a much better understanding and appreciation for how attorneys handle themselves under pressure.

Meeting with Clients– Over the duration of the internship I have been able to sit in on meetings with various clients.  I have seen a variety of clients with a diverse set of problems, which makes going to the internship a surprise every day.  Through these meetings I have observed how important it is to understand the client, and what their goals are, in order to best aid them.  This summer it has been rewarding to see clients’ problems resolved through the hard work of the attorneys at Houlon Berman.

The Copier Room– Just kidding.

Watching the Legal Process– After this summer I now can officially confirm the life of an attorney is far different from the one you see on TV.  The great part of my internship was being able to witness all of the various stages of cases from the initial consultations to the actual trials.  I have learned that being a great attorney is more than just showing up to court and making good arguments.  It often takes months of hard work and preparation that is never shown on TV.  It is also important to treat each aspect of the case with the same hard work and dedication.

Camaraderie– My favorite thing I witnessed while being an intern was the camaraderie of everyone working at Houlon Berman and how big of a role it plays in the Firm’s success.  I have observed that at Houlon Berman, every employee plays a critical role in the success of the Firm.  One of the best ways I have observed this is at lunch.  Not only have I enjoyed some great Peruvian chicken, I have also seen the importance of the attorneys working together and bouncing ideas off of each other about their various cases.  I have learned that being a great attorney is more than just your own skills and knowledge, it is also about learning from others’ experiences.

Thanks to everyone who has read my blogs and made this summer a great one! To get updates directly, “like” Houlon Berman’s Facebook page or visit