Child Support

Where can I file for support?

If both parties are Maryland residents, the Plaintiff (person seeking support) may file for child support or alimony in the county where the Defendant (intended payor of support) resides, carries on business, is employed or habitually engages in business. In addition,...

When does child support end?

Under new law in Maryland effective October 1, 2002, if a child turns age 18 while still enrolled in high school, the child support obligation continues until either the child graduates from high school, or age 19, whichever is first. Otherwise, child support...

What happens if child support is not paid?

In Maryland, if child support is not paid, one can seek to establish or enforce the obligation by filing an action in the Circuit Court or with the Maryland Child Support Enforcement Agency – Once a child support Order is entered, the...

Is child support modifiable?

Child support can be modified by the Court if there is a “material change in circumstances” since the last Order for child support. For example, if a Separation Agreement providing for child support is incorporated into a divorce decree, the parent seeking a...

How is child support determined?

In 1990, Maryland enacted Child Support Guidelines in order to have appropriate and consistent child support awards. Unless application of the Guidelines would be unjust or inappropriate in a particular case, the Court will apply the Guidelines when establishing child...