Domestic Violence

What is interspousal immunity?

Interspousal immunity is a common law doctrine which prohibits spouses from suing each other. The Maryland Court of Appeals in Bozman v. Bozman joined the majority of states in abolishing interspousal immunity. Now, spouses in Maryland may sue each other for any...

What is considered stalking?

Maryland passed a revised stalking statute, effective October 1, 2003. Under the new law, “stalking” is defined as approaching or pursuing another where one knows or reasonably should have known the conduct would place another in reasonable fear of serious bodily...

What is a Protective Order?

A “Protective Order” is a form of relief available from the Court for “Protective Order” against victims of domestic violence. In Maryland, a person is eligible for a Protective Order if they: are the current or former spouse of the alleged abuser, have a child with...

What is a Peace Order?

A “Peace Order” is a form of relief available from the Court when a person has problems with another individual, such as someone the person is dating, a neighbor or a stranger. If a person is eligible to file for a “Protective Order” against domestic violence, he or...