Workers Compensation

What is Maryland Workers Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a system developed by state governments to provide financial assistance to individuals injured in the course of their job. Before workers’ compensation laws were passed, compensation for on the job injuries were settled through lawsuits which...

Who pays the attorney?

If you hire a lawyer, the Commission will calculate the attorney’s fees. If an award is made to you, the fee will be deducted from your awards and paid separately by the employer or insurance company to the attorney.

Can my employer oppose my claim?

Yes, your employer or their insurance carrier may oppose your claim for benefits. If they do, they may contact you directly, but they must inform the Commission and state their objections or issues in writing. If your claim is contested, it will be scheduled for a...

How do I file a claim?

If you have suffered a compensable injury, you may file a claim with the Workers’ Compensation Commission by filling out an Employee Claim Form and then mailing it to the Workers’ Compensation Commission. If you contact one of our personal injury attorneys before...