Personal Injury Law

What is the Definition of Personal Injury Law?

The definition of personal injury law can be challenging to interpret, as there are several types of cases, each with its own laws. Our team of attorneys is ready to help you receive the settlement you deserve and support you throughout the legal process. The primary...

What is Maryland Workers Compensation?

Workers’ compensation is a system developed by state governments to provide financial assistance to individuals injured in the course of their job. Before workers’ compensation laws were passed, compensation for on the job injuries were settled through lawsuits which...

What damages can be awarded in a survivor claim?

The estate of the deceased can seek to include economic damages for the fair and reasonable medical expenses which were incurred by the deceased, the loss of earnings from the time of injury to the time of death and funeral expenses up to $5,000; and noneconomic...

What is a survivor claim?

A survivor claim is brought on behalf of the deceased to recover damages for injuries suffered by the victim. In a survivor claim, damages are measured in terms of harm to the actual victim.